Thursday, September 18, 2008

Understanding Photoshop

So for the past few days in class we have been learning how to use Photoshop. We've learned how to do so many tricks on how to edit a picture or text. There's also so many different programs that we've been using throughout the past couple weeks. Many of these programs are very new to me. It amazes me how much you can do on the computer. I'm glad to be learning all of this information. I can definitely see it all being very useful in the future. However, it will be a challenge to remember how to use all of the programs. Each day we learn something completely new! It's very interesting. Today in particular we were given an assignment to find a Photoshop trick that we can show the class. Most of the period was spent looking for tricks on websites and trying them out. I found quite a few cool ones, but there were some that I couldn't get to work so it was frustrating. Tomorrow we will be doing the same thing. Hopefully I will have better luck, and be able to figure out how to do all of the tricks!

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