Thursday, September 25, 2008

Critiquing and Getting Organized!

Yesterday in class is when i got to present the affect that I found on Adobe Fireworks. I was a bit nervous at first since i had to teach the whole class, but it ended up going well. I got 95% on it...score! Today in class we just finishing up our website evaluation assignment, which I completely for got at home. I was in such a rush this morning that I left it on the kitchen counter instead of remembering to put it in my school bag. For this assignment we had to critique two high school websites. One had to be the St. Jean de Brebeuf School website and the other could be any high school in the world. It was interesting to browse through all the different high school websites throughout the world. The other website that I ended up critiquing was The Perse School in Cambridge, England. This site was very well organized and attractive. They also included a lot of information about the school and included many pictures. Our school website also included a lot of information but it wasn't very consistent. This is because so many different students have their own style on creating a web page. Another thing that I noticed is that our school web site's pictures were often distorted looking. This information will be very useful to me when I have to fix one of the web pages on my own. I can consider adding things that I saw from some of the other high school websites that I saw. This week I'll have to start thinking about what pages I want to fix. I will also have to decide what school events I want to take pictures at so we can add new updated pictures to the school's website.

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