Monday, September 29, 2008

Life is now MUCH Easier...Thank You Dreamweaver!

For the past few days in class we learned how to create a website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. It's MUCH easier than typing out all the html codes. I really enjoyed using this program, and I know that this program will be useful in the future. We learned how to insert images and create text. We also learned two different ways to create charts. The first way was pretty basic. We did a few activities to help us practice using this program and create these charts. The other way of creating charts that we learned was very interesting. It was a bit more complex but I liked it because you could get really creative with it. Another very helpful trick that we learned was how to insert charts and documents into Dreamweaver, without having to retype everything out. This program makes creating websites so much easier. It's good that we did learn the html codes. It gave us a general knowledge of how to create websites. However, I don't think i want to use html codes anymore! They can be stressful and annoying to remember. For the most part I think I understand how to use the Dreamweaver program. I'll still need to practice using it a few more times. Sometimes it can get confusing with remembering how to use all of the programs that we use in class. There's so many that I find it very helpful to sometimes go back to some of the programs we used in the past to refresh my memory when I have spare time.

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